
Fransız iktisatçı Thomas Piketty‘nin önce Eylül 2013’te Fransızca, daha sonra ise Mart 2014’te İngilizce olarak yayınlanan Yirmibirinci Yüzyılda Sermaye adlı kitabı (Türkçesi: İşbank KY?) ve konuyla ilgili diğer bazı çalışmaları:
- Thomas Piketty (2001): “Les hauts revenus en France au XXe Siecle: Inégalités et redistributions, 1901-1998“
- Thomas Piketty (2013.09): “Le Capital au XXI Siècle” (Amazon)
- Thomas Piketty (2014.03): “Capital in the Twenty-First Century” (Information, Amazon, flyer, presentation slides, datasets)
- Thomas Piketty & Gabriel Zucman (2014.02): “Capital is Back: Wealth-Income Ratios in Rich Countries 1700-2010” (slides, appendix)
- “World Top Incomes Database“
- Thomas Piketty (2014.04.17): “A global progressive tax on individual net worth would offer the best solution to the world’s spiralling levels of inequality“
Piketty’nin yaklaşımının ve analizinin önemi, yararlılığı, anlamlılığı ve kavramsal/yöntemsel sorunları hakkındaki bazı kayda değer değerlendirmeler:
- Branko Milanovic (2013.10.09): “The return of ‘patrimonial capitalism’: review of Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st century“
- Ryan Decker (2014.01.09): “Inequality: Capital in the long run“
- Branko Milanovic (2014.03.10): “Must We Return to “Pre-tamed” Capitalism?“
- James K. Galbraith (2014.04): “Kapital for the Twenty-First Century?“
- Brad DeLong (2014.04.14): “Notes and Finger Exercises on Thomas Piketty’s “Capital in the Twenty-First Century”: The Honest Broker for the Week of April 19, 2014“
- Martin Wolf (2014.04.15): “‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’, by Thomas Piketty“
- Dean Becker (2014.04.15): “Living in the Short-Run: Comment on Capital In the Twenty-First Century“
- Odran Bonnet et al. (2014.04.17): “Le capital logement contribue-t-il aux inégalités? Retour sur Le capital au XXIe siècle de Thomas Piketty“
- Allan H. Meltzer (2014.04.17): “The United States of Envy“
- Dean Becker (2014.04.21): “Economic Policy in a Post-Piketty World“
- Robert M. Solow (2014.04.22): “Thomas Piketty Is Right: Everything you need to know about ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century’“
- Hunter Lewis (2014.04.23): “Thomas Piketty’s Sensational New Book“
- Peter G. Klein (2014.04.23): “Piketty and Capital“
- Thomas I. Palley (2014.04.23): “The accidental controversialist: deeper reflections on Thomas Piketty’s “Capital”“
- Justin Wolfers (2014.04.23): “Piketty’s Book on Wealth and Inequality Is More Popular in Richer States“
- Alexander J. Field (2014.04.24): “Capital in the Twenty First Century: A Review Essay“
- Simon Wren-Lewis (2014.04.24): “When economics students rebel“
- Scott Winship (2014.04.24): “Is Inequality Growing Out Control” (podcast)
- Paul Krugman (2014.04.24): “The Piketty Panic“
- Paul Krugman (2014.04.24): “On Gattopardo Economics“
- Paul Krugman (2014.04.25): “Frustrations of the Heterodox“
- Greg Mankiw (2014.04..25): “First Thoughts on Piketty“
- Felix Salmon (2014.04.25): “Piketty Pesimist“
- Ryan Decker (2014.04.25): “Capital in partial equilibrium“
- Dean Baker (2014.04.26): “Paul Krugman and the Economics Fringe“
- Panel Discussion (2014.04.28, CUNY): “Thomas Piketty, Joseph E. Stiglitz, Paul Krugman, Steven Durlauf and Branko Milanovic on Piketty’s ‘Capital in the Twenty-First Century“
- Güven Sak (2014.04.29): “150 Yıl Sonra Piketty’den Bir Yeni Das Kapital“
- N. Emrah Aydınonat (2014.04.29): “Topal Kapitalizm“
- N. Emrah Aydınonat (2014.04.30): “Piketty Deliliğine Katkı (1)“
- Gündüz Fındıkçıoğlu (2014.04.30): “Piketty: Kısa bir çıkarım“
- N. Emrah Aydınonat (2014.05.07): “Piketty Deliliğine Katkı (2)“
- Alex Tabarrok (2014.05.08): “The Piketty Bubble?“
- Paul Krugman (2014.05.08): “Why We’re in a New Gilded Age“
- Kenneth Rogoff (2014.05.08): “Where Is the Inequality Problem?“
- Tyler Cowen (2014.05/06): “Capital Punishment: Why a Global Tax on Wealth Won’t End Inequality“
- Dani Rodrik (2014.05.13): “Piketty and the Zeitgeist“
- Lance Taylor (2014.05.18): “The Triumph of the Rentier? Thomas Piketty vs. Luigi Pasinetti and John Maynard Keynes“
- Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry (2014.05.22): “Thomas Piketty, a Not-So-Radical French Thinker“
- Chris Giles (2014.05.23): “Data problems with Capital in the 21st Century” (İlgili Tweetler: 1, 2)
- Chris Giles (2014.05.23): “Piketty response to FT data concerns“
- Neil Irwin (2014.05.23): “Did Thomas Piketty Get His Math Wrong?“
- Justin Wolfers (2014.05.23): “A New Critique of Piketty Has Its Own Shortcomings“
- Branko Milanovic (2014.05.24/26): “My view on Piketty’s critique by the FT” (“There Is Only One Real Issue That Piketty Must Explain“)
- Paul Krugman (2014.05.24): “Is Piketty All Wrong?“
- Tyler Cowen (2014.05.24): “What do the Piketty data problems really mean?“
- Robert P. Murphy (2014.05.26): “The Weak Defense of Piketty“
Piketty’nin kitabı hakkındaki bazı kayda değer haber, yorum ve (kısa) tanıtımlar:
- James Pethokoukis (2014.03.24): “The New Marxism: A prominent liberal economist contends capitalism will inevitably increase inequality“
- Matthew Yglesias (2014.04.08): “The short guide to Capital in the 21st Century“
- Chrystia Freeland (2014.04.20): “The Book Every Plutocrat Should Read Thomas Piketty’s new tome just might save the super-rich from themselves“
- Daniel Shuchman (2014.04.21): “Thomas Piketty Revives Marx for the 21st Century“
- Diana Furchtgott-Roth (2014.04.22): “The Systematic Errors In Thomas Piketty’s New Book“
- David Brooks (2014.04.24): “The Piketty Phenomenon“
- Heidi Moore (2014.04.27): “Thomas Piketty is a rock-star economist – can he re-write the American dream?“
- Michael Bird (2014.04.28): “A revue of reviews – everything you could ever want to read about Piketty’s Capital“
- Paul Mason (2014.04.28): “Thomas Piketty’s Capital: everything you need to know about the surprise bestseller“
- Len McCluskey (2014.04.28): “Capital in the Twenty-first Century: ‘manna from heaven’“
- The Economist (2014.04.28, blog): “Thomas Piketty: Le French Touch“
- Kathleen Geier (2014.04.28): “What Piketty’s Conservative Critics Get Wrong“
- Ryan Grim (2014.05.01): “Thomas Piketty Explains Why It Took Until Now For An Economist To Expose The Flaw In Capitalism“
- Der Spiegel (2014.05.05): “Der Wohlstandslüge“
- Hilal Sarı (2014.05.25): “Ekonomi dünyasında Picketty çılgınlığı“
- Jennifer Rankin (2014.05.26): “Thomas Piketty accuses Financial Times of dishonest criticism“
- Radikal Gazetesi (2014.05.27): “‘Yeni Marx’ Piketty güncelleştirmeye gidecek“
- Project Syndicate: “Piketty’s Charge” (Makale Kolleksiyonu)
“Piketty’nin Popülaritesi’ni Açıklamak”:
![https://twitter.com/JustinWolfers/statuses/459066498355441664 Bl7ujEtCMAAKyNj[1]](http://kibritcioglu.com/iktisat/readings/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Bl7ujEtCMAAKyNj1.jpg)
Gelir Dağılımı/Eşitsizliği Konulu Diğer Bazı Genel Bağlantılar:
- AK‘nin Gelir Dağılımı/Eşitsizliği Konulu Tweet Zinciri (2013.06.21)
- AK‘nin Gelir Dağılımı/Eşitsizliği Konulu Tweet Zinciri (2013.09.10)
- AK‘nin “Gelir Dağılımı/Eşitsizliği” Konulu Diğer Tweetleri: inequality, eşitsizlik
- Piketty’nin görüşlerinin Kıta Avrupası’ndan çok ABD’de kabul görmesinin muhtemel sebeplerinden biri? (Jean-Marc Vittori‘nin tweetindeki OECD grafiğinin kaynağı)
İlk Yayınlanma Tarihi: 2014.04.30, 12:47 Son Güncellenme Tarihi: 2014.05.27, 23:10
Note: This blog post presents a broad list of readings on Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the 21st Century and the discussions about its methodological/empirical relevance and (possible) effects on economics (or design of economic policies). It has been prepared and updated by AK.