Kısa Özgeçmiş Bilgileri | CV

Doğum Yeri / Birth Place

Istanbul, Turkey

Öğrenim Geçmişi / Educational Background

▸ Primary School: Hasan Ali Yücel İlkokulu, Istanbul, Turkey [1968-1973]
▸ Secondary School: Istanbul Erkek LisesiİstanbulTurkey [September 1973 – June 1980] /Alumni Radio /
▸ BA, Economics: Department of EconomicsFaculty of Political SciencesAnkara UniversityTurkey [September 1981 – June 1985] /Alumni /
▸ MA, Economics: Department of EconomicsInstitute for Social Sciences, Ankara UniversityTurkey [October 1985 – September 1988]
▸ PhD, Economics: Faculty of Economic and Social SciencesKiel UniversityKiel, Germany [June 1989 – November 1993] 

Mesleki Geçmiş / Professional Background

▸ Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of EconomicsFaculty of Political SciencesAnkara UniversityTurkey [April 1986 – July 1994]

▸ Assistant Professor of Economics, Department of EconomicsFaculty of Political SciencesAnkara UniversityTurkey [July 1994 – November 1999]

▸ Associate Professor of Economics, Department of EconomicsFaculty of Political SciencesAnkara UniversityTurkey [November 1999 – May 2005

▸ Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics / CIERAUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA [August 2000 – July 2002]

▸ Visiting Researcher, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), Vienna, Austria [from 1st to 15th of November 2004]

▸ Professor of Economics, Department of EconomicsFaculty of Political SciencesAnkara UniversityTurkey [from June 2005 to September 2015]

▸ Professor of Economics, Department of EconomicsFaculty of Economic and Administrative SciencesTurkish-German UniversityTurkey [since September 19, 2016]

Yönetim Görevleri ve Mesleki Üyelikler / Administrative Positions and Professional Memberships

▸ Head of the Department of Business and Economics, Institute of Social SciencesTurkish-German UniversityTurkey [since June 2020] 

▸ Head of the Section for Economic Theory and Policy, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic and Administrative SciencesTurkish-German UniversityTurkey [since September 2016] 

▸ Head of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic and Administrative SciencesTurkish-German UniversityTurkey [from June 2018 to June 2019] 

▸ Acting Dean, Faculty of Economic and Administrative SciencesTurkish-German UniversityTurkey [from September 2016 to April 2018] 

Head of the Section for Economic Development and International Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University (September 9, 2008 – September 8, 2011)

Vice-Head of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Political Sciences, Ankara University (August 1999 – July 2000)

Member of the Turkish Economic Association (TEK)

Member of the European Economic Association (EEA)

Member of the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik, 2016-2020)

Member of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA)

Member of the Global Development Network (GDN)

Member of the European Trade Study Group (ETSG)

Member of the International Network for Economics Research (INFER)

Akademik Dergi Görevleri / Academic Journal Roles

▸ Member of the Publication Commission of The Review of The Faculty of Political Sciences (AÜSBF Dergisi), (April 1998 – February 2000)

▸ Member of the Editorial Board of İktisat, Isletme ve Finans Dergisi (1999-2005)

▸ Member of the Editorial Board of Efil Journal of Economic Research (Efil Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi), (2018-…)

▸ Member of the Advisory Board of Journal of Financial Economics and Banking (2021-…)

▸ Member of the Editorial Board of Economics and Society (İktisat ve Toplum Dergisi), (2010-…)

Burslar ve Ödüller / Scholarships and Awards

PhD-Scholarship of the Turkish Higher Education Council (YÖK), 1989-1993

ATİAD‘s “1994 Educational Encouragement Award” for the 3rd best dissertation (in all scientific branches) presented by Turkish PhD-students in Germany in the academic year of 1992-1993.

Öğretim Uzmanlaşması / Teaching Specialization

▸ International economics (JEL F00), macroeconomics, introduction to economics, open economy macroeconomics (JEL F41), economic growth (JEL O40), economics of technology, economics of European Union (JEL F02, F15), energy economics, environmental and ecological economics

Güncel Araştırma Alanları / Recent Fields of Academic Research

▸ Interactions between energy, ecology and economy; green economy and sustainability; energy transition; international migration.

List of publications with download possibilities

Seçilmiş Kongre, Seminer ve Atölye Çalışması Katılımları / Selected Congress, Seminar and Workshop Participations

▸Concepts and Instruments of the Economic Development of Turkey: A Model for Palestine?
Friedrich Naumann Foundation & Akdeniz University, Antalya, October 27-29, 1995. Paper presented: “Free Zones in Turkey and Their Macroeconomic Effects

▸1. International METU Conference on Economics
Economic Research Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, September 18-20, 1997. Paper presented: “On the Smithian Origins of “New” Trade and Growth Theories

▸3. National Conference on Demography
Hacettepe University, Ankara, December 1-4, 1997
Paper presented: “The Role of Human Capital in New Economic Growth Models” (in Turkish)

▸Literature Meetings on Economics, Dept. of Econ., Ankara University. Ankara, February 5, 1997. Conference on: “New Economic Growth Models” (in Turkish)

▸2. International METU Conference on Economics
Economic Research Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, September 9-12, 1998. Paper presented: “Inflationary Effects of Increases in Crude and Fuel Oil Prices in Turkey” (in Turkish)
▸International Conference on “The Political Economy of Globalization”. Friedrich Naumann Foundation & EC-Institute of Marmara University, Bilgi University, and Institute of Economy and Society, Istanbul, November 25-27, 1998. Paper presented: “Technological Developments and Their Effects on the World Trade: Any Implications for Governments?

▸ International Conference on “The EMU and The Outside World”. Institute for Business Cycle Research, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (KOF/ETH), Zurich, December 11, 1998. Paper presented: “EMU, Euro and EU-Membership: An Evaluation from the Turkish Macroeconomic Perspective

▸ Seminars Series of the Research Center of Public Economics (KEPAM), Ankara University. Ankara, April 14, 1999. Seminar on: “Oil Price Increases and Inflation in Turkey” (in Turkish)

▸Seminar on “Euro in its First Year: Regulations, Policies, Developments, Problems and Effects“. The Central Bank of Turkey, Ankara, October 18-22, 1999. Paper presented: “The Effects of Euro on the Turkish Economy” (in Turkish)

▸ 6. International METU Conference on Economics. Economic Research Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, September 11-14, 2002. Paper presented: “Excessive Risk-Taking, Banking Sector Fragility, and Banking Crises”

▸ 6. International METU Conference on Economics. Economic Research Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, September 11-14, 2002. Paper presented: “An Analysis of Dynamic Interactions between Financial and Real Sector Crises: The Case of Turkey, 1979-2002”

▸ 7. International METU Conference on Economics. Economic Research Center, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, September 6-9, 2003. Paper presented: “Real Exchange Rate Misalignment in Turkey” (in Turkish)

2. Regional Workshop on WTO Matters for Academics and University Professors from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. World Trade Organization, JVI, Vienna, 3-5 May 2004

▸ “An Analysis of Early Warning Signals of Currency Crises in Turkey, 1986-2004“. Seminar at the Central Bank of Austria (ÖNB), Vienna, November 8, 2004 [ Presentation File ]

▸ “Evaluation of Macroeconomic Developments in Turkey (with Special Focus on Real Exchange Rate Misalignment)“. Seminar at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), Vienna, November 11, 2004

3. Regional Workshop on WTO Matters for Academics and University Professors from Central and Eastern Europe and Central AsiaWorld Trade Organization, JVI, Vienna, 1-3 March 2005

4. Regional Workshop on WTO Matters for Academics and University Professors from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia. World Trade Organization, JVI, Vienna, 14-16 February 2006

5. Regional Workshop for Academics from Easters and Central Europe, Central Asia and the CaucasusWorld Trade Organization & Kiev National Trade and Economics University, Kiev, Ukraine, 25-27 June 2008

Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı, “Dış Ticaret Modelleme Teknikleri ve GTAP“, Ankara, 23 Aralık 2008. Oturum Başkanı: “Bölgesel, İkili ve Çok Taraflı İlişkiler

6. Regional Workshop for Academics from Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the Caucasus. World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 May 2009

KAS – AÜİF Joint International Workshop on “Soziale Marktwirtschaft und deren Perzeption im Islam“, Ankara, September 24, 2010. Bildiri: “Küresel Finans Krizinin Türkiye’ye Etkileri (Auswirkungen der globalen Finanzkrise auf die Türkei)” [ Sunum Dosyası & Makale ]

İKV‘s International Seminar on “Economic and Monetary Union, Euro Zone Crisis, and the Future of the European Union” (Ekonomik ve Parasal Birlik, Kriz ve AB’nin Geleceği), Istanbul, January 25, 2011. Bildiri: “Avro’nun Geleceğinin AB’nin Geleceği Üzerindeki (Olası) Etkileri (Possible Effects of the Euro’s Future on the EU’s Future)” [ Sunum Dosyası ]

Hazine Müsteşarlığı “G20 2011 Bilgilendirme Toplantısı“, Ankara, 10 Şubat 2011. Kısa Sunum: “G20 2011 Gündemi Hakkında Türkiye Perspektifinden Kısa Bir Değerlendirme” [ Sunum Dosyası ]

TEPAV “Los Cabos’a Doğru: Meksika ve Türkiye’nin G20 Çağındaki Rolü” (Towards Los Cabos: Mexico’s and Turkey’s Roles in the Age og G20), Tartışma Toplantısı, Ankara, 5 Haziran 2012. Sunum: “G20 Meksika 2012 Toplantısı: Küresel Ekonomi, Öncelikler, Hedefler, Beklentiler ve Sorunlar” [ Sunum Dosyası & Makale ]

Österreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) & Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (CBRT), Panel on “Turkish-Austrian Economic Relations in a European and International Context“, Vienna, March 18. 2013. Presentation: “Some Observations on Trade Relations between Austria and Turkey” [ Presentation File ]

▸ “The Turkish Economy between 2002 and 2013: Current Macroeconomic Debates and Future Research Agenda”, Seminar at the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (WIIW), Vienna, November 11, 2013

▸ “İyi Bir (Akademik) İktisatçı Olmak Niçin Zordur?” (Why Becoming A Good (Academic) Economist Is So Hard?), Keynote Speech at the “2nd European Congress on Economic Issues”, Kocaeli University, November 16, 2016

▸ “Güterhandel zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei und Aussenhandelspolitiken der Türkei” (Trade in Goods between Germany and Turkey and Froeign Trade Policies of Turkey), Center for Internationalisation, Qualification and Cooperation (Cintcoop), Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (FH Bielefeld), Germany, October 31, 2018

▸ Keynote Speech: “An Economist’s View on Interactions between Energy, Ecology and Economy” (Enerji-EkolojiEkonomi Etkileşimi ve İktisat(çılar)), All Izmir Economics Workshop IV, Dokuz Eylül University, Izmir, May 3, 2019

▸ Panel Konuşması: “İktisatçıların Gözünden COVID-19 Krizi” (Panel 7), 5. Türkiye Sermaye Piyasaları Kongresi 2021, İstanbul, 16.11.2021, 14:40-15:40 (Panel Videosu: Türkçe, İngilizce; Sunum Dosyası)


Last updated on January 12, 2022.