Rusya’daki Aralık 2014 “Ruble Krizi” İle İlgili Bazı Okuma Önerileri

(1) Krizin Kökenleri ve Gelişimi

What’s Next for Russia’s Economic Future and Global Role?” – Lecture by World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim (2013.02.14)

Timmer & Voskoboynikov (2013): “Is Mining Fuelling Long-Run Growth in Russia? Industry Productivity Growth Trends since 1995

Türkiye, Rusya ve Brezilya gibi yüksek dış borçlu ülkelerdeki yüksek uluslararası rezervler finansal krizi önler mi?” (2013.09)

Robert Alan Ward (2014.11.20): “Russia GDP to shrink by 0.2% in 2015, after just 0.4% growth this year. Lower oil prices a downside risk.

Russia: A wounded economy” (2014.11.22)

Uğur Gürses (2014.12.05): “Putin’in zor dönemeci

Ömer Faruk Çolak (2014.12.12): “Sallanan ülke Rusya

Worth William Wray (2014.12.15): “Fragile EM currencies & the post-taper era of volatile capital flows

Russian Ruble Hits New Low Despite Rate Rise

Russia’s Central Bank Raises Key Rate to 17%

Russia’s turmoil: what’s happening and what to expect next” (2014.12.16)

Market turmoil: Russia’s Black Tuesday” (2014.12.16)

Russia’s rouble crisis: Going over the edge” (2014.12.16)

Mahfi Eğilmez (2014.12.17): “Rusya Sorunu

Ruble crisis could shake Putin’s grip on power” (2014.12.17)

Government of Russia (2014.12.17): “The Central Bank and the Government have drafted measures to stabilise the country’s currency market. This is not the first time we face sharp exchange rate fluctuations. What we are seeing today is mostly a play on emotions.” – Medvedev

Will the rouble crisis lead to currency controls in Russia?” (2014.12.17, video)

(2) Güncel Kriz ile 1998 Kriz Arasındaki Benzerlik ve Farklılıklar

1998 Krizi ve Şimdi: Benzerlikler ve Farklılıklar” (2014.12.16)

Russia’s economy: Naked truths” (1998.05.28)

Russia’s nightmare” (1998.08.29)

(3) Rusya’daki Finansal Çalkantının Türkiye’ye ve Genelde Küresel Ekonomiye Olası Etkileri

Guardian: Rus ekonomisi çökerse, Batı için de felaket olur” (2014.12.17)

Rusya’nın Sesi Radyosu (2014.12.17): “Türkiye’nin kaybı 6 milyar doları bulabilir

Mahfi Eğilmez (2014.12.17): “Rusya Sorunu

İlk Yayınlanma Tarihi: 2014.12.17, 13:33
Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 2014.12.17, 18:22