Institutional Rankings – Kurum Sıralamaları |
- ISI Essential Science Indicators (Rankings in Economics & Business)
- A Ranking of World Economics Institutions, Top 2000, 1994-1998 (P. Kalaitzidakis, T. Mamuneas, and T. Stengos, October 2001, EEA)
- Ranking of Economics Departments in Europe and Israel among Selected North American Departments (1991-1996), with Rank of Each US Department among all US Departments (1984-1993)
- Worldwide Institutional and Individual Rankings in Econometrics over the Period 1989–1999: An Update by Badi Baltagi; Econometric Theory (2003) Vol 19, pp. 165-223.
- A Ranking of European Economics Institutions, 1994-1998 (P. Kalaitzidakis, T. Mamuneas, and T. Stengos, October 2001, European Economics Association), html formatted ranking
- Ranking Economic Departments in Europe: A Statistical Approach (by Michel Lubrano, Luc Bauwens, Alan Kirman, and Camelia Protopopescu; CORE Discussion Paper 2003/50, published in: Journal of the European Economic Association, 2003, 1/6: 1367-1401)
England, Northern Ireland and Scotland:
- Leading Dutch Institutions (exerpts from: Mark Blaug (1999), Who’s Who in Economics, 3rd ed., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; William Shepherd, Iyanatul Islam and Sankaran Raghunathan (1999), Who’s Who in International Business Education and Research, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar)
- En İyi Devlet Üniversiteleri (Hasan Arslan, Aktüel Dergisi, 21-27 Haziran 2001, s. 28-31)
- Türkiye İktisatçılar Sıralaması / Publication Performance of Turkish Economists, 1999-2005 (Murat Çokgezen)
- PhD in Economics (2001)
- What Do We Say about Ourselves and What Does It Mean? Yet Another Look at Economics Department Research (by Jerry G. Thursby, Journal of Economic Literature, Nov. 2000, 33, 383-404), comments on this paper
- Research Ranking for the Economics Department at WVU, updated by Ronald Balvers from the ranking of research output based on the methodology of Scott and Mitias (Economic Inquiry, 1996, pp. 378-400)
- National Research Council‘s 1993 survey: Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States Continuity and Change (NRC/NSC, 1995)
- Top Forecasters Of U.S. Economy, 1991-2000 (Page 2 of 2 from “Ranking The Economic Forecasters” by David Simons,, 01.17.02, 12:00 PM ET)
Journal Rankings – Dergi Sıralamaları |
- ISI Essential Science Indicators (Rankings in Economics & Business)
- ISI Journal Selection and Evaluation Process (ISI Master Journal List)
- Statistical Variability of Top Ranking Economics Journals Impact (by Pedro Cosme Costa Vieira, 2004, Applied Economics Letters, Volume 11, Number 15 / December 15, pp. 945-8)
- Reputation and Relevance of Economics Journals (by Michael Bräuninger and Justus Haucap, Kyklos, 2003, 56/2: 175-197)
- Ranking of Academic Journals in Economics, 1994-1998: Excel file or Full Paper in pdf format (P. Kalaitzidakis, T. Mamuneas, and T. Stengos, Working Paper from 2001 or Journal Article published in European Economic Review, 2002)
- Econometric journal rankings based on impact factors 2000 (Based on Journal of Citation Reports, Fall 2001)
- Subdiscipline-specific journal rankings: whither Applied Economics? (by Christopher B. Barrett; Aliakbar Olia and Dee von Bailey, 2000, Applied Economics, Volume: 32, Number: 2, Pages: 239-52); Applied Economics journal rankings by subdiscipline
- The relative impact of economic journals (by D. Laband, M. Piette, 1994, Journal of Economic Literature; 32: 640-66)
- The Ranking and Relationship among Economics Journals (by G. Fallis, Department of Economics, York University, Canada, 1991)
- Revealed preference for economics journals: citations as dollar votes (by N. L. David, J. P. Sophocleus, 1985, Public Choice; 46: 317-23)
- Assessing the relative impacts of economics journals (by S. J. Liebowitz, J. P. Palmer, 1984, Journal of Economic Literature; 22: 77-88)
- What economists think of their journals (by R. G. Hawkins, L. S. Ritter, I. Walter, 1973, Journal of Political Economy; 81: 1017-32)
- The relative quality of economics journals: a suggested rating system (by Moore W. J., 1972, Western Economic Journal; 10: 156-69)
- Social Science Citation Index Journal Rankings, 1994-2001
Economist Rankings – İktisatçı Sıralamaları |
- ISI Essential Science Indicators (Rankings in Economics & Business)
- Tom Coupé‘s Ranking of Top 1000 Economists (1990-2000), promoted by EEA
- Top 700 Economists (adapted by RePEc from Coupe’s Ranking)
- Worldwide Institutional and Individual Rankings in Econometrics over the Period 1989–1999: An Update by Badi Baltagi; Econometric Theory (2003) Vol 19, pp. 165-223.
- Core Authors and Rankings in Economics (by Gaines H. Liner, Atlantic Economic Journal, December 2001, 29/4: 459-69)
- The Ranking of Economists (by Marshall H. Medoff, Journal of Economic Education, Fall 1989, 20/4: 405-415)
- Economics Nobel Prize Laureates (The Bank of Sweden)
Handelsblatt-Studie (11 Mai 2005): Die Top-Forscher + Die produktivsten Fakultäten + Die Medienstars
- The Ranking of Economists and Management Scientists in Europe (Bruno Frey & Reiner Eichenberger, The Bilingual Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 10/4: 575-581)
- Leading Scholars (Dutch or foreign but working in the Netherlands), exerpts from: Mark Blaug (1999), Who’s Who in Economics, 3rd ed., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar; William Shepherd, Iyanatul Islam and Sankaran Raghunathan (1999), Who’s Who in International Business Education and Research, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Son Güncelleme (Last Updated in): 2006