Açık Ekonomi Makroiktisadı (Open Economy Macroeoconimcs)

R. A. Mundell R. Dornbusch

International Macroeconomics:Researchers, Books, Papers, Homepages, Course Outlines, Reading Lists etc.

OEM Researchers
Pierre-Richard Agénorhttp://www1.worldbank.org/wbiep/macro-program/agenor/index_agenor.htm Victor E. Argy Stanley W. Blackhttp://www.unc.edu/~swblack [Elsevier Page] Robert E. Baldwinhttp://www.lafollette.wisc.edu/wage/FACULTY/baldwbio.htm [Elsevier Page] William H. Bransonhttp://www.wws.princeton.edu/~wbranson/ Willem H. Buiterhttp://www.econ.cam.ac.uk/faculty/buiter/ Guillermo A. Calvohttp://www.bsos.umd.edu/econ/ciecalvo.htm W. Max Cordenhttp://www.sais-jhu.edu/faculty/econ/corden.html [Elsevier Page] Giancarlo Corsettihttp://www.econ.yale.edu/~corsetti/ John T. Cuddingtonhttp://www.georgetown.edu/cuddington Alan V. Deardorffhttp://www.econ.lsa.umich.edu/~alandear/ Michael Devereuxhttp://www.arts.ubc.ca/econ/devereux/index.htm Sebastian Edwardshttp://www.anderson.ucla.edu/faculty/sebastian.edwards/ [Elsevier Page] Paul De Grauwehttp://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/ew/admin/Staff/default.htm Rudiger Dornbuschhttp://www.mit.edu/~rudi/ J. Marcus Fleming Jeffry A. Frenkelhttp://www1.whitehouse.gov/WH/EOP/CEA/html/frankel.html Wilfried Fuhrmannhttp:// John F. Helliwellhttp://web.arts.ubc.ca/econ/helliwell/ Graciela L. Kaminskyhttp://www.gwu.edu/~econ/faculty/kaminsky.html Peter B. Kenenhttp://www.princeton.edu/~pbkenen Anne O. Kruegerhttp://www-econ.stanford.edu/faculty/krueger.html [Elsevier Page] Paul Krugmanhttp://web.mit.edu/krugman/www/ Assar Lindbeckhttp://www.iies.su.se/data/home/lindbeck/ Ronald MacDonald Ronald I. McKinnonhttp://www-econ.stanford.edu/faculty/mckinnon.html [Elsevier Page] Peter J. Montielhttp://www.williams.edu/Economics/montiel/ Robert A. Mundellhttp://www.columbia.edu/cu/sipa/RESEARCH/ram15.html(other pageNOBEL ’99 Dornbusch on Mundell Jürg Niehans Maurice Obstfeldhttp://elsa.berkeley.edu/~obstfeld/ Martin F. J. Prachownyhttp://qed.econ.queensu.ca/pub/faculty/mini/martinp.html Francisco. L. Rivera-Batizhttp://www.columbia.edu/~flr9/ Asbjørn Rødsethhttp://www.uio.no/~asro/ Kenneth Rogoffhttp://www.wws.princeton.edu/~krogoff/ Nouriel Roubinihttp://equity.stern.nyu.edu/~nroubini/ Jeffrey D. Sachshttp://www.hiid.harvard.edu/about/people/sachs/jsachs.html Karlhans Sauernheimerhttp://wiwi.uni-mainz.de/vwl/sauernheimer/ Egon Sohmen John Taylorhttp://www.stanford.edu/~johntayl/ Mark P. Taylorhttp://www.economics.ox.ac.uk/Faculty/Members/Taylor.htm Stephen J. Turnovskyhttp://faculty.washington.edu/sturn/ Charles Wyploszhttp://heiwww.unige.ch/~wyplosz/ Christian Zimmermannhttp://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r14160/
For a list of people who are or who have worked in the area of “new open economy macroeconomics”: http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://geocities.com/brian_m_doyle/open.html (by Brian Doyle)

OEM Books
    Prachowny, M. F. J. (1975): Small Open Economies: Their Structure and Policy Environment Lexington: Lexington Books Dornbusch, R. (1980): Open Economy Macroeconomics Cambridge Univ Press Demopoulos, G. D. (1981): Monetary Policy in the Open Economy of Greece Athens: Centre for Planning and Economic Research Grauwe, P. De (1983):  Macroeconomic Theory for the Open Economy Ashgate Publishing Company Williamson, J. (1983): The Open Economy and the World Economy New York: Basic Books Cuddington, J. T.; P.-O. Johansson and K.-G. Löfgren (1984): Disequilibrium Macroeconomics in Open Economics Oxford: Basil Blackwell Prachowny, M. F. J. (1984): Macroeconomic Analysis for Small Open Economies Oxford: Clarendon Press Jones, R. W. ve P. B. Kenen (eds.) (1985): Handbook of International Economics: International Monetary Economics and Finance, Volume 2 North-Holland Jungenfelt, K. and D. Hague (eds.) (1985): Structural Adjustment in Developed Open Economies St Martins Press Niehans, J. (1986): International Monetary Economics Johns Hopkins Univ Press Braun, A. R. (1986): Wage Determination and Incomes Policy in Open Economies IMF Bhandari, J. (1987): Studies in International Macroeconomics Praeger Pub. Arndt, S. W. and J. D. Richardson (eds.) (1987): Real-Financial Linkages Among Open Economies MIT Press Dornbusch, R.; F. L. Helmers (eds.) (1988): The Open Economy: Tools for Policymakers in Developing Countries (Edi Series in Economic Development-World Bank Pub) Oxford Univ Press Portes, R.; R. C. Bryant (1988): Global Macroeconomics: Policy Conflict and Cooperation St Martins Press Dernburg, T. F. (1989): Global Macroeconomics Harper Collins Amos, M. (1989): Macroeconomic Policy Analysis: Open Economies With Quantity Constraints Cambridge Univ Press Tanzi, V. (ed.) (1990): Fiscal Policy in Open Developing Economies IMF Langdana, F. K. (1990): Sustaining Budget Deficits in Open Economies Routledge Taylor, M. P. (1990):  The Balance of Payments : New Perspectives on Open Economy Macroeconomics Aldershot: Edward Elgar Pub. Gehrels, F.; H. Herberg; H. Schneider and H.-J. Vosgerau (eds.) (1990): Real Adjustment Processes Under Floating Exchange Rates (Studies in International Economics and Institutions) Springer-Verlag Schmitt- Rink, G.; D. Bender (1992): Makroökonomie geschlossener und offener Volkswirtschaften Springer-Verlag, 2., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. Howard, M. (1992): Public Finance in Small Open Economies Praeger Pub Sachs, J. and F. Larrain (1993): Macroeconomics in the Global Economy Prentice Hall Parkin, M. and G. Zis (eds.) (1993): Inflation in Open Economies (Studies in Inflation, Vol 5) Ashgate Publishing Company, reprint edition Azariadis, C. (1993): Intertemporal Macroeconomics Blackwell Publications Rivera-Batiz, F. L. and Luis A. Rivera-Batiz (1994): International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics MacMillan, 2. ed. Argy, Victor E. (1994): International Macroeconomics : Theory and Policy Routledge Van Der Ploeg, F. (ed.) (1994): The Handbook of International Macroeconomics Cambridge Ma.: Basil Blackwell Krueger, T. H.; J. D. Ostry and C.-W. Yuen (1994): Exercises in Intertemporal Open Economy Macroeconomics Cambridge, MA: MIT Press (paperback version: 1997) Grossman, G. M. ve K. Rogoff(eds.) (1995): Handbook of International Economics, Volume 3 North-Holland Gandolfo, G. (1995): International Economics II: International Monetary Theory and Open-Economy Macroeconomics Springer-Verlag, 2nd edition Pikoulakis, E. (1995): International Macroeconomics New York: St. Martin’s Press Kenen, P. B.; K. B. Kenen (eds.) (1995): Understanding Interdependence : The Macroeconomics of the Open Economy Princeton Univ Press McCallum, B. T. (1996): International Monetary Economics Oxford University Press Mizen, P. and E. J. Pentecost (eds.) (1996): The Macroeconomics of International Currencies : Theory, Policy, and Evidence Edward Elgar Pub Whitmore, H. Wm. (1996): World Economy Macroeconomics M.E.Sharpe Obstfeld, M. and K. Rogoff (1996): Foundations of International Macroeconomics MIT Press Burda, M. C. and C. Wyplosz (1997): Macroeconomics: A European Text Oxford Univ Press, 2nd edition Miller, R. L. and D. Vanhoose (1997): Macroeconomics: Theory, Policy, & International Applications & Demo CD-ROM South-Western College Publishing, 2nd ed. in 2000 Murshed, S. M. (1997): Macroeconomics for Open Economies London: Dryden Press Turnovsky, S. J. (1997): International Macroeconomic Dynamics MIT Press Fratianni, M. U., D. Salvatore and J. Hagen (eds.) (1997): Macroeconomic Policy in Open Economies Greenwood Publishing Group Koch, K.-J.; K. Jaeger, H.-J. Vosgerau (eds.) (1998): Trade, Growth, and Economic Policy in Open Economies: Essays in Honour of Hans-Jurgen Vosgerau Springer-Verlag Hossain, Md. A.; A. Chowdhury and A. Hossain (1999): Open-Economy Macroeconomics for Developing Countries Edward Elgar Pub. Asea, P. (1999): Advances in International Macroeconomics. Volume 1 JAI Press Makin, T. and A. J. Makin (2000): Global Finance and the Macroeconomy Palgrave Hess, G. D. and E. Van Wincoop (eds.) (2000): Intranational Macroeconomics Cambridge Univ Press Pentecost, E. J. (2000): Macroeconomics: An Open Economy Approach Palgrave Rodseth, A. (2000): Open-Economy Macroeconomics Cambridge Univ Press Gandolfo, G. (2001): International Monetary Theory and Open-Economy Macroeconomics Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Mark, N. C. (2001): International Macroeconomics and Finance: Theory and Econometric Methods Blackwell Publishing Ugur, M. (2001): An Open Economy Macroeconomics Reader Routledge Sarno, L. and M. P. Taylor (2003): The Economics of Exchange Rates  Cambridge University Press (Sample Chapter)  

Search and Download OEM-Papers
  JELF41 Open Economy Economics SSRN/ERN NBER IMF Inst. Int. Econ.   Dornbusch, R. (1987): Open Economy Macroeconomics: New Directions NBER Working Paper No. 2372, August (Published: Misalignment of Exchange Rates, T. R. Marston (ed.), University of Chicago Press, 1988) Schmidt-Hebbel, K. and L. Serven (1994): Fiscal Policy in Classical and Keynesian Open Economies Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, Policy Research Dept., Macroeconomics and Growth Division, Policy Research Working Paper No. 1299. Obstfeld, M. (1997): Open-Economy Macroeconomics, Developments in Theory and Policy NBER Working Paper No. 6319, December Dornbusch, R. (1998): Notes on Intertemporal Trade in Goods and Money Journal of Applied Economics (Universidad del CEMA), 1/1pdf Lane, P. (1999): “The New Open Economy Macroeconomics: A SurveymimeoTrinity College Dublin, (also CEPR Discussion Paper #2115, March 1999) Obstfeld, M. and K. Rogoff (1999): “New Directions for Stochastic Open Economy ModelsNBER Working Paper No. 7313, August Sarno, L. (2000): “Towards a New Paradigm in Open Economy Modeling: Where Do We Stand?mimeo, St. Louis FRB (technical version of forthcoming Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review paper) Ghironi, F. (2000): “Towards New Open Economy MacroeconometricsBoston College Working Papers in EconomicsNo. 469 Bergin, P. (2001): “Putting the “New Open Economy Macroeconomics” to a TestmimeoUniversity of California, Davis Obstfeld, M. (2001): International Macroeconomics: Beyond the Mundell-Fleming Model  NBER Working Paper No. 8369, July Open Economies Review  http://kapis.www.wkap.nl/kapis/CGI-BIN/WORLD/journalhome.htm?0923-7992  http://www.indiana.edu/~open/index.html Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv http://www.uni-kiel.de:8080/IfW/pub/wa/wa.htm International Economic Journal http://gias.snu.ac.kr/wthong/IEJ/index.html Mundell-Fleming Model and its Derivatives (a literature survey by A. Kibritçioğlu) http://dialup.ankara.edu.tr/~kibritci/MUNDFLEM.PDF  

Other OEM-Related Homepages
Brian Doyle: New Open Economy Macroeconomics Homepage http://www.geocities.com/brian_m_doyle/open.htmlGiancarlo Corsetti: Recent Developments in Open Economy Macroeconomics http://www.econ.yale.edu/~corsetti/wami/wami.htmlSergio Da Silva: Open Economy Macroeconomics http://www.angelfire.com/id/SergioDaSilva/open.htmlJamus Jerome Lim: The International Economics Network  http://www.internationaleconomics.net/

Joseph P. Joyce:
International Financial Institutions Research Site 

Christian Zimmermann :
Quantitative Macroeconomics and Real Business Cycles 

OEM Course Outlines (Syllabus)
David Begg & Anne Sibert  [dbegg@econ.bbk.ac.uk] &  [asibert@econ.bbk.ac.uk] International Macroeconomics http://ricardo.econ.bbk.ac.uk/mscecon/mscimacro.htmlMichael Bergmann [Michael.Bergman@nek.lu.se] International Macroeconomics 2 http://www.nek.lu.se/nekmbe/intfin/syll.htmlMatthew Canzoneri [canzonem@gunet.georgetown.edu] Open Economy Macroeconomics, August 2 – 6, 1999 http://www.valt.helsinki.fi/fppe/courses/special/EK3.htmGiancarlo Corsetti [corsetti@yale.edu] International Finance, Fall 1999 http://www.econ.yale.edu/~corsetti/s701a99.html

Michael Devereux [devereux@ust.hk]
International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics

Rudiger Dornbusch [rudi@mit.edu]
Open Economy Macroeconomics, Spring 2001

Sebastian Edwards [sedwards@agsm.ucla.edu]
The Global Economy, Fall 1999

David H. Feldman [dhfeld@morton.wm.edu]
International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics, Fall 1995

Michael D. Goldberg
Open Economy Macroeconomics, Winter 1994

Jonathan Heathcote [jonathan.heathcote@hhs.se]
Open Economy Macroeconomics, Spring 1999

Peter B. Kenen [pbkenen@pucc.princeton.edu]
International Monetary Economics, Spring 1999

Philip Lane [plane@tcd.ie]
International Economics (Module II: International Macroeconomics)

Zheng Liu [zliu@clarku.edu]
Open Economy Macroeconomics

Gylfi Magnússon [gylfimag@hi.is]
The Economics of Small Open Economies, Fall 1997 and Spring 1998

Nelson C. Mark [mark.1@osu.edu]
Advanced Macroeconomic Trade Theory, Fall 1999

Ragnar Nymoen [ragnar.nymoen@econ.uio.no], Asbjørn Rødseth [asbjorn.rodseth@econ.uio.no] and Tom Berhardsen [tom.berhardsen@norges-bank.no]
Open Economy Macroeconomics, Fall 1999

Sanjay Paul [paulsa@sncac.snc.edu]
International Finance and Monetary Economics

Morten O. Ravn [morten.ravn@econ.upf.es]
Open Economy Macroeconomics

Ole Risager [risager.eco@cbs.dk]
Open Economy Macroeconomics and International Capital Markets

Nouriel Roubini [nroubini@stern.nyu.edu]
Lecture Notes: An Introduction to Open Economy Macroeconomics,
Currency Crises and the Asian Crisis

Nouriel Roubini [nroubini@stern.nyu.edu]
Understanding the World Economy

Nouriel Roubini [nroubini@stern.nyu.edu]
International Macroeconomics

Karlhans Sauernheimer [karlhans.sauernheimer@uni-mainz.de]
Internationale Währungspolitik

Gerard Stockhausen [gstock@creighton.edu]
International Macroeconomics, Fall 1997

Alan C. Stockman [stoc@troi.cc.rochester.edu]
International Macroeconomics and Finance, Spring 1999

Stephen J. Turnovsky [sturn@u.washington.edu]
International Macroeconomics, Winter 1999

Paul Wachtel [pwachtel@stern.nyu.edu]
Understanding the World Macroeconomy, Spring 1998
A Quick Guide To Understanding the World Macroeconomy, Spring 1999

Doug Waldo [waldo@dale.cba.ufl.edu]
International Macroeconomics, Fall 1999

Axel A. Weber [aweber@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de]
Internationale Makroökonomie, Summer 1999

Manfred Willms [willms@bwl.uni-kiel.de]
International Monetary Economics, Summer 1999

Other OEM-Related Links
Readings in International Finance and Monetary Economics http://www.american.edu/academic.depts/cas/econ/syllabi/672refs.htmOpen Economies Review  http://kapis.www.wkap.nl/kapis/CGI-BIN/WORLD/journalhome.htm?0923-7992  http://www.indiana.edu/~open/index.htmlInternational Economic Journal http://gias.snu.ac.kr/wthong/IEJ/index.htmlYahoo Search Results “open economies” or “open economy” or “international macroeconomics”

Altavista Search Results
“open economies” or “open economy” or “international macroeconomics”

N. Roubini’s Asian and Global Crises Home Page

Kar-Yiu Wong’s Asian Crisis Home Page

N. Roubini’s EMU and the Euro Home Page

G. Corsetti’s EMU and the Euro Home Page

A. Kibritçioğlu’s Currency Board Homepage 
http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~kibrtcgl/curboard.html or http://dialup.ankara.edu.tr/~kibritci/curboard.html)

A. Kibritçioğlu’s European Economic Integration Homepage
http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~kibrtcgl/eurores.html or http://dialup.ankara.edu.tr/~kibritci/eurores.html

A. Kibritçioğlu: Sargent-Wallace Model: An Internet Survey
http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~kibrtcgl/sargewall.html or http://dialup.ankara.edu.tr/~kibritci/sargewall.html

Zeuthen Workshop on Int. Macroeconomics (November 27-28, 1999)

ZEI’s Summer School in International Macroeconomics (August 9-20, 1999)

Advanced Graduate Program in Open Economy Macroeconomics (CEMA & Uni. of Maryland)


Son Güncelleme (Last Updated in): 2001