Topics of Economics of Skills Part I: Introduction to the Economics of Skills Part II: Micro-Level Analysis: Skills and Individual Outcomes Part III: Meso-Level Analysis: Skills and Organizational Dynamics Part IV: Macro-Level Analysis: Skills and National Economies Part V: Global Perspectives on Skills Part VI: Future Directions in the Economics of Skills Recommended Readings on […]
Kategori: Teknolojik Gelişme – İnovasyon
The Importance of Economics of Skills
The Significance of Skills in Economic Growth and Development In the contemporary global economy, skills are a fundamental driver of economic growth and development. The ability of individuals, organizations, and nations to acquire, develop, and effectively utilize skills has far-reaching implications for productivity, competitiveness, and overall economic prosperity. The economics of skills examines how these […]
Yapay Zeka, Veri Bilimi ve İktisat: Bazı Temel Kavram ve İlişkiler
Veri bilimi, yapay zeka ve ilgili bazı temel kavramlar arasındaki ilişkiler ve farklılar nelerdir? Bu kavramlar iktisatçıları niçin ilgilendiriyor? Veri biliminde kullanılan başlıca paket programlar nelerdir? ChatGPT cevaplıyor…