Below you will find a reading list and some online hints on the origins, politics and economics of the “social welfare state” and “social democracy“: Selected additional books and links on democracy, social democracy, welfare state, social policies, and social justice are:
Kategori: İktisat Literatürü
Modern Para Teorisi
“Modern para teorisi” (modern monerary theory, #MMT) hakkındaki bazı yararlı okuma kaynakları için buraya tıklayarak uzunca bir tweet zincirine ulaşabilirsiniz.
Para Yaratma Sürecinde Merkez Bankalarının ve Bankaların Rolü
Selected Readings on the Role of Central Banks and Banks in the Creation Process of Money ▸ Tobin (1963): “Commercial banks as creators of ‘money’”▸ Bank of England (2014): “Money creation in the modern economy“▸ Werner (2014): “Can banks individually create money out of nothing? – The theories and the empirical evidence” (Twitter) ▸ Werner […]
Rankings in Economics: Institutions, Journals & Economists, etc.
Institutional Rankings – Kurum Sıralamaları World: Europe: Germany: England, Northern Ireland and Scotland: Netherlands: Turkey: USA: Journal Rankings – Dergi Sıralamaları World: Economist Rankings – İktisatçı Sıralamaları World: Germany: Handelsblatt-Studie (11 Mai 2005): Die Top-Forscher + Die produktivsten Fakultäten + Die Medienstars France: Netherlands: Belgium: Turkey: Son Güncelleme (Last Updated in): 2006
“Hoş Olmayan” Monetarist Aritmetik (Some “Unpleasant” Monetarist Arithmetic)
Sargent – Wallace Model Some Unpleasant Monetarist ArithmeticThomas J. Sargent and Neil Wallace file: Comment on T.J. Sargent and N. Wallace: ‘Some Unpleasant Monetarist Arithmetic’Buiter, Willem H.Monetarism in the United Kingdom, ed. B. Griffiths and G.E. Wood, 1984,London: Macmillan. file: Not available! Some Pleasant Monetarist ArithmeticMichael R. Darby Vol. 9 No. 1, Winter 1985, “Some Pleasant Monetarist Arithmetic” PDF […]