Topics of Economics of Skills Part I: Introduction to the Economics of Skills Part II: Micro-Level Analysis: Skills and Individual Outcomes Part III: Meso-Level Analysis: Skills and Organizational Dynamics Part IV: Macro-Level Analysis: Skills and National Economies Part V: Global Perspectives on Skills Part VI: Future Directions in the Economics of Skills Recommended Readings on […]
Kategori: Eğitim İktisadı
The Importance of Economics of Skills
The Significance of Skills in Economic Growth and Development In the contemporary global economy, skills are a fundamental driver of economic growth and development. The ability of individuals, organizations, and nations to acquire, develop, and effectively utilize skills has far-reaching implications for productivity, competitiveness, and overall economic prosperity. The economics of skills examines how these […]
Covid-19 Sağlık Krizinin Üniversiteler Üzerindeki Etkisi: Online Eğitim-Öğretime Uyumun Fayda-Maliyet Analizi
* Öğrenciler, öğretim üyeleri, aileler ve ekonomi için oluşabilecek maliyetler
* Öğrenciler, öğretim üyeleri, aileler ve ekonomi için oluşabilecek faydalar
* Net sonuç?
Uzaktan/Online Eğitim/Öğrenme ve E-Eğitim Programları/Platformları
Coursera: https://www.coursera.orgedXOnline: https://www.edx.orgFutureLearn: https://www.futurelearn.comOpen Learn: Teams: http://skype.comBigbluebutton: http://bigbluebutton.orgCisco Webx: http://webex.comZoom: Connect: Webinar: https://wiziq.comUdemy: Storyline: https://articulate.comTalentLMS: https://talentlms.comElecta: https://e-lecta.comGoogle Classroom: Google Hangouts: Best E-Learning Software: