| Economics of Inflation & Disinflation with Special Reference to Turkish Inflation Experience | |
Basics of Economics of Inflation & Disinflation: * Biz/ed: Inflation / The Causes of Inflation / The Problems Associated with Inflation * IEA: Overview of Inflation * BoE: What is Inflation? * BoE: What Causes Inflation? * BoE: Costs and Inflation * Siklos: Inflation and Hyperinflation * Fischer, Sahay & Végh: Modern Hyper- and High Inflation * Agénor: Inflation and Disinflation * Agénor: Inflation and Short-Run Dynamics * Agénor: An Overview of Stabilization Programs * Agénor: Analytical Issues in Disinflation Programs * Agénor: Empirical Models of Stabilization * Agénor: The Political Economy of Stabilization and Adjustment * Calvo & Végh: Inflation Stabilization and BOP Crises in Developing Countries * Melberg: Inflation: An Overview of Theories and Solutions * WB/IBRD: Inflation Tax * Kleiman: Early Inflation Tax Theory and Estimates (html) * CBK: Causes, Effects and Cures of Inflation * Dr. Econ: What is deflation and how is it different from disinflation? |
Selected Books and Surveys on Inflation & Disinflation: * Friedman (1963): Inflation: Causes and Consequences * Friedman (1971): Government Revenue from Inflation * Cagan (1974): Inflation and Market Structure, 1967-1973 * Laidler (1975): Essays on Money and Inflation * Friedman (1977): Nobel Lecture: Inflation and Unemployment * Cagan (1979): Persistent Inflation: Historical and Policy Essays * Frisch (1984): Theories of Inflation * Bruno (1988): Inflation Stabilization * Bruno (1991): High Inflation and the Nominal Anchors of an Open Economy * Bruno & Fischer (1991): Lessons of Economic Stabilization and Its Aftermath * Dornbusch (1991): Exchange Rates and Inflation * McCallum (1991): Inflation: Theory and Evidence * Beckerman (1992): The Economics of High Inflation * Leiderman (1993): Inflation and Disinflation: The Israeli Experiment * Rowley (1994): Hyperinflation in Germany: Perceptions of a Process * Barkai (1995): The Lessons of Israel’s Great Inflation * Siklos (1995): Great Inflations of the 20th Century: Theories, Policies and Evidence * Heymann & Leijonhufvud (1995): High Inflation * Romer & Romer (eds.) (1997): Reducing Inflation: Motivation and Strategy * Cottarelli & Szapary (1998): Moderate Inflation: The Experience of Transition Economies * Cottarelli (1999): Disinflation in Transition, 1993-97 * Feldstein (ed.) (1999): The Costs and Benefits of Price Stability * Palairet (2000): The Four Ends of the Greek Hyperinflation of 1941-1946 * BIS (2000/2001): Empirical Studies of Structural Changes and Inflation * BIS (2001): Modelling Aspects of the Inflation Process and the Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Emerging Market Countries * Dabrowski (ed.) (2001): Disinflation, Monetary Policy and Fiscal Constraints: Experience of the Economics in Transition * Catao & Terrones (2001): Fiscal Deficits and Inflation – A New Look at the Emerging Market Evidence |
Research on Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey Kibritçioğlu: Selected Studies from 1962 to 2004 – Türkiye’deki Enflasyonla İlgili Seçilmiş Yayınlar Kibritçioğlu: Oil Price Increases and Inflation – Petrol ve Akaryakıt Fiyat Artışları ve Enflasyon EconPapers: Working Papers and Articles on “Turkish Inflation” IMF: Working Papers and Articles on “Inflation in Turkey” Kibritçioğlu: Causes of Inflation in Turkey: A Literature Survey with Special Reference to Theories of Inflation Kibritçioğlu, Rittenberg & Selçuk (2002): Inflation and Disinflation in Turkey Erçel: Türkiye’de Enflasyon Üzerine Bilimsel Çalışmalar |
Papers & Articles on Inflation in the World: EconPapers: Working Papers and Articles on “High Inflation” NBER: Working Papers on “Inflation” (1974-2001) FED: Papers and Articles on “Inflation” (1965-1996) FED: Papers and Articles on “Inflation” (1997-2001) IMF: Papers and Articles on “Inflation” |
To Search for Other Books, Papers, Articles, and Web Pages: EconTurk – ECONbase – Blackwell – Kluwer – JSTOR – SSRN/ERN – Taylor & Francis – Springer – TCMB/CBRT – Amazon & Borders – NowBooks.biz – Barnes & Nobles – Surfable Books Project – MSN Encarta – |
Turkish Inflation Data and Actual News on Inflation: DİE: State Institute of Statistics İTO : The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce TCMB: Central Bank’s Electronic Data Delivery System DPT: State Planing Organization’s Main Economic Indicators Kibritçioğlu: Turkish Inflation in Graphs Dünya Gazetesi: Enflasyon Haberleri Finansal Forum Gazetesi: Enflasyon Haberleri ntv-MS-NBC: Enflasyon Haberleri NetHaber.com: Enflasyon Haberleri www.enflasyonsuz.com |
More Information on Turkish Economy: Kibritçioğlu: Turkish Economy Homepage Roubini: Hot Topic: Turkey IMF: Turkey & IMF WB/IBRD: Turkey NBER: NBER Project on Exchange Rate Crises in Turkey OECD: Links for Turkish Economy Yale SSLIS: The Big Ten Countries: Turkey EIU & The Economist: Country Briefings – Turkey EIU: Turkey Home Page Deutsche Bank: Country Info Base: Turkey |
Son Güncelleme (Last Updated in): 2004